Employee Spotlight

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Matt Lewellyn   Controller

Fantasy Football Domination
Table Games Mastery
Hazing of all things Pokemon

Matt, who came on board in October of 2010, is Juvo’s controller and an alumni of USM. Matt is a card carrying member of the Who Dat Nation and a Seinfeld aficionado. He is happily married with two children and a house full of animals. His accounting and management background have translated well into Juvo’s constant need for office repairs, travel arrangements, and company event catering. His proficiency with both Orbitz and Angie’s List are unrivaled.

City of Residence:
Hattiesburg, MS

Inhabitants at my residence:
Wife – Cortney, Daughter – Alex, Son – Carson, 2 dogs (Zoey and Piper), and a cat (Seymour)

Start date and current position with Juvo:
10/5/2010 – Controller

What I like best about working for Juvo:
Correcting everyone’s time adjustments for payroll. In all seriousness, my favorite thing is our sense of family with both our employees and customer base.

Best job:
Being a father

Worst job:

Favorite place to live:
I’d like to retire somewhere in the mountains. Perhaps North Carolina.

What I fear most:

People would be surprised to know:
I use to actually be skinny

Favorite Memory:
Attending the Super Bowl and seeing the Saints win it

Favorite song, movie, book, or comedian:
Song – Too many to count
Movie – Godfather II
Comedian – Chevy Chase (movie) and Eddie Murphy (standup)

Best Vacation:

Favorite Vehicle:
I’ve always loved the 61 Ferrari 250 GT from Ferris Bueller. A tie for second would be the General Lee and the van from A-Team.


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