Juvo Unsolved Mysteries: Solved

Candace Hensarling Uncategorized Leave a Comment

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Appearing out of nowhere, bizarre boxes are being delivered to anyone requesting to disconnect a circuit. These seemingly mysterious boxes are being set aside, discarded, by employees across the country who do not know the origin, and who or what is responsible for their deliveries by friendly, trusted delivery guys.


This month, we find out just what these boxes are and who they come from in Juvo’s “Unsolved Mysteries: Solved.”

In 2015, on a bright and early October morning, a Juvo client submits an ordinary ticket requesting to disconnect a circuit. Juvo employee, Andie receives the ticket, and as usual, follows through to disconnect the circuit and close the ticket. Operations continue normally throughout the day and following weeks. All is well.

A month later, Andie receives the TEM invoice for the client, and notices a large, unexplained fee of $3,000. Intrigued, Andie investigates on behalf of the client to find out just where and why this mysterious fee has been added to the invoice. During her investigation, she also calls the client to explain the situation. The client then reveals to her that they not only are confused and concerned about the mysterious fee, but they also have received an unexplained box.

Determined to solve this mystery and assist the client, Andie contacts the carrier to investigate the mysterious fee and unexplained box.

So just where did these boxes come from and what do they mean?

After several hours of investigation, Andie discovers the mysterious box has a name: Return Merchandise Authorization Kit, or RMA Kit. She finds out that the RMA Kit’s single purpose is to explain to the client the return process of equipment from the carrier, and how to successfully have the equipment returned in exchange for no fee.

When Andie discovered that a RMA Kit matched the description of the mysterious box, she called the client immediately and explained the contents of the box. The relieved client returned the carrier’s equipment along with the invoice and the box whose origins and explanations behind them, finally, were solved.


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