About TEM

When it comes to Telecom Expense Management or TEM, there are a few other acronyms that are worth understanding, even though TEM is often considered to be something of an umbrella concept. With the proliferation of wireless and mobile technologies, the term Wireless Expense Management or WEM was coined. It is essentially the same thing as TEM, though it obviously is specific to wireless assets. Managed Mobility Services, or MMS takes basic WEM functions and incorporates everything from sourcing to help desk. Enterprise Mobility Management, while not much different from MMS, delves into things like applications management, device security, and compliance.

Confused Yet?

Rather than trying to make sense of all the acronyms, it is usually helpful to look at TEM by comparing SaaS models to the managed services model. From Juvo’s inception, we’ve enjoyed pretty hands on relationships with our customers. Rather than just helping get a great rate on a new network and calling it quits, we’ve always worked with customers and carriers alike in the quest to drive operational efficiencies. So while our proprietary software, SimplicITy, is a powerful tool that gives end users control over their entire IT environment, we know that telecom is really a team sport, and it takes a great deal of effort behinds the scenes to make sure everyone wins.

TEM Benefits

According to the Telecom Expense Management Industry Association (TEMIA), there are four primary benefits to TEM:

  • Labor efficiencies
  • Risk reduction / security
  • Reduction of telecom service expenses
  • Indirect savings

Juvo creates all of these benefits (along with a few more), by adhering to a “four cornerstone” methodology that brings together four critical TEM functions:

  • Inventory Management
  • Contract Management
  • Operations Management
  • Invoice & Expense Management